Fixie Polo

Hey folks,

tired and bored of standard-Fixie-cycling. Lookin’ for something more special and vital ?  I do or better I am . I mean ridin’ a Fixie is a really cool thing but as usual I’m on the run for something new, something that challenges me.

I heard about it a few days ago. It’s called bike polo. And similar to the polo on horses – shoot a ball in the opponents goal, score and win. But on BP you’re on your Fixie, the bats are built by yourself and the ball is not really a ball. In most cases it’s a piece of an old rubber innertube or something comparable.

It’s a teamsport consisting of 3 vs. 3 players and you are not allowed to tap on the floor with your feets. These are the only rules that are guilty all over the world – the rest depends on where you are.  It varies in the size of the field, the penalty rules, how long a game is or after how many points you have won.

Very essential is the handling of your bike. You need to very familiar with your bike because as I said before you’re not allowed to tap on the floor for the whole game. Additional to this you are ridin’ all the time with one hand ‘cause in the other is you bat you have to swing and control. You got to aim on the goal, you have to defend your own and you have to keep the balance while you are ridin’ fore- and backwards.

It sounds really interesting to me. If you’re fixed like me – join me. I’m looking for a few guys and girls who want to try it out – with me and my guys.

I’m waiting for your  call,



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