Rostock´s Honorary Citizen —Story of a Significant Life

“I can write everywhere: in the train, in the car (when my wife chauffeurs me) — in the morning, during the day, or in the night, no matter where. How incredible it is to experience this moment and held a completely finished book in hands.”



Many of you may not be familiar with the author of this quote , but Walter Kempowski was a compassionate, exciting and prestigious author. He is one of the most important authors in post-war German literature. However, he was not only an author, but also a pedagogue and an archivist. He was born and raised in Rostock, and in love with the city. Writing took a great place in his life, and also had a great influence on the process of his development.

Out of love for his hometown, he donated writings to the city. All these works are situated in Kempowski´s archive , which gives a huge insight into his life. The most important stories and precious memories are reconstructed, for example his parents’ library, his time in Gail (original door of the cell), his classroom from the fifties, and has archived books, writings, and diaries. His story is moving, and at the same time intense and full of suspense.

 I highly recommend you visit the archive. Admission is free. 

 If you have no time for a visit but are still interested in Kempowski´s work, then you should watch this interview to get a picture of Mr. Kempowski, visit this homepage or see a very short review of his works.



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